We are pleased to announce that Ramadan begins tomorrow 01/03/25

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

RMS is pleased to announce that Ramadan will begin tomorrow, Saturday 1st March and today will be our first Taraweeh.

We pray that Allah accepts our prayers, fasts, good deeds and forgive our sins. Please remember us in your duas.

Note that the following facilities have been arranged for Taraweeh prayers:

2nd March & on Wednesdays only:
The Hythe Centre
Thorpe Road
Staines Upon Thames
Egham, TW18 3HD
(Please park at St Paul’s Road, bring your own prayer mats)

All other days:
The Jurgens Centre
91 Harvest Road
Egham, TW20 0QR

Note that we’ve had to make the Isha prayer late due to hall unavailability. Isha will be 8pm for most of the month and Taraweeh straight after.

Please check our website www.runnymedemuslims.com for prayers times. Arrive early and leave quietly to avoid disrupting neighbours.

JazakAllah Khair
RMS Management

Ramadan 2025 preparations – Taraweeh arrangements

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

As you know, the blessed month of Ramadan will soon be upon us. May Allah grant us the ability to earn reward from it.

We at RMS have managed to allocate the following facilities for Taraweeh prayers:

2nd March & on Wednesdays only:
The Hythe Centre
Thorpe Road
Staines Upon Thames
Egham, TW18 3HD
(Please park at St Paul’s Road, bring your own prayer mats)

All other days:
The Jurgens Centre
91 Harvest Road
Egham, TW20 0QR

Note that we’ve had to make the Isha prayer late due to hall unavailability. Isha will be 8pm and Taraweeh straight after.

Please check our website www.runnymedemuslims.com for prayers times. Arrive early and leave quietly to avoid disrupting neighbours.

JazakAllah Khair
RMS Management

Community Update – 6th February @ 7pm

⚠️ Community Update ⚠️

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

Join RMS as we unveil the plans for the new Islamic Community Centre and discover ways for you to get involved.

The Jurgens Centre
91 Harvest Road, Egham
TW20 0QR

Date & Time:
6th February at 7PM

Please confirm your attendance by clicking on this link https://bit.ly/RMS_CU and completing the form.

☕ Refreshments will be provided. ☕

We look forward to seeing you there.
RMS Management

Meet the Trustees – 26th Jan @ 13:15-14:00

“Meet the Trustees”

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

Got questions or ideas on how to improve RMS?
Why not meet with the Trustees for tea & biscuits. Or just pop in to say hi.

Location – Meeting room at The Jurgens Centre
Date – 26/01/25
Time – 13:15 to 14:00

We look forward to seeing you there.
RMS Management

New Time for Friday Prayers – Starting at 1:00 PM from 06/12/2024

Assalam Walikoum Dear Community,
From next Friday (December 6th, 2024), Jummaa at the Jurgens Centre will start at 1:00PM.
This helps with completing Friday Prayer before Asr time Starts
Please make sure that you take note and update your diaries and schedules.

Furthermore, the Friday Khutbahs recordings at the Jurgens centre are available from here.

Jazakoum Allah Kheir

Chairman Update – Special Announcement

July 24th 2024 (18th Muharram 1446).

Full Planning Permission To Establish an Islamic Community Centre in Egham.


As Salaam Aleikum, Dear Brothers and sisters,

Once again, we would like to share another historical moment with you all.

Runnymede Borough Council committee met to review our planning application. The meeting included a talk from an objection speaker and Father John’s heartfelt and compelling talk.
After much deliberation, and despite the overwhelming 338 objection letters versus 177 letters of support, we are overjoyed to announce that our planning application has been accepted, Alhamdulillah. This is a significant milestone, marking the culmination of the Runnymede Muslim Society’s 25-year struggle and the beginning of a new chapter in our community’s history.
We thank Allah for entrusting us with such an honourable responsibility and everyone.

We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you, both Muslim and non-Muslim, who stood by us, supported us, and prayed for us. This acceptance is the first step towards establishing the first Islamic Community Centre in Egham, a centre that will benefit not only the local community but also future generations.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.’ [Bukhari]
May Allah bless our efforts, protect our community, and grant us the strength to continue striving for excellence. Ameen

Jazak Allah Khair

Momade Faizal (Chairman)
On behalf of all of the trustees
Runnymede Muslim Society

Eid-Ul-Adha Announcement (Sunday 16/06/24)

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

Runnymede Muslim Society is pleased to announce that Eid will be on the 10th April In Sha Allah

Prayers timings will be as follows:

📆 16th June 2024

🕐 At 7:30am with Sheikh Essam Mahgoub

(Unfortunately, due to hall unavailability, we can only accommodate one early Jamaat)

📍 The Jurgens Centre, 91 Harvest Road, Egham

🍞 No food or drinks

🚗 Please walk, car share & park responsibly. Do not block others.

The Prophet (saw) said, ‘When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, knowledge which others benefit from, or a pious son who prays for him.

To donate towards the Masjid Project, click the link below:

We look forward to seeing you all there.


Runnymede Muslim Society

Eid-Ul-Adha Celebration (Sunday 23/06/24)

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

We welcome you to join us on the 23rd June, between 3pm and 6.30pm for an Eid Celebration.

🗓 Sunday, 23rd June
🕒 3pm to 6.30pm
📌 The Jurgens Centre, 91 Harvest Road, Egham, TW20 0QR

🍨 Menu comprises of starters, whole roasted lamb with rice, followed by desserts

Adults. £10
Children £5 (12 and under)

Contact 07568 564221 / 07916 553265 to book/sponsor (last booking 20th June)


Runnymede Muslim Society


Eid Announcement (Wednesday 10/04/24)

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

Runnymede Muslim Society is pleased to announce that Eid will be on the 10th April In Sha Allah

Prayers timings will be as follows:

📆 10th April 2024

🕐 At 8:30am with Arshad Gamiet, 10am with Essam Mahgoub

📍 The Jurgens Centre, 91 Harvest Road, Egham

🍞 No food or drinks

🚗 Please walk, car share & park responsibly. Do not block others.

The Prophet (saw) said, ‘When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, knowledge which others benefit from, or a pious son who prays for him.

To donate towards the Masjid Project, click the link below:

We look forward to seeing you all there.


Runnymede Muslim Society

Family Iftar – Bring Food to Share (Saturday 06/04/24 @ 19:30)

As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters

We pray to Allah that you and your family.

As announced yesterday, we would like to invite you and your families to our family Iftar for today.

📆 06 April 2024

🕐 At 19:30

📍 The Jurgens Centre, 91 Harvest Road, Egham

🍞 Bring food to share

The Prophet (saw) said, ‘When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, knowledge which others benefit from, or a pious son who prays for him.

To donate towards the Masjid Project, click the link below:

We look forward to seeing you all there.


Runnymede Muslim Society