Our daily prayers take place at

Car parking is free. Please enter via the main front door, which will be opened at Adhan time. A trustee will have access via a side door. The internal double doors, just after the toilets, must be kept closed at Isha and Fajr, so the prayer sounds cannot get carried to the residents on Harvest Road.
- The times displayed are the only times we can be on these premises, so if you are late, you will not be able to pray.
- We must keep noise right down, particularly at Isha and Fajr and definitely no talking/loitering outside the hall when we come for these prayers. Please also be aware of engine noise when approaching and leaving.
- Please try and do your wudu and use toilet facilities at home before coming for prayer.
- If you do need to use the facilities at the Centre, you must mop and tidy up after yourself (there is a Janitorial room next to the main door on the right). Remember the organisers also need to get back to home/work/other commitments in a timely manner like you and cannot be the Janitors! Last person out to be responsible for switching lights off and closing the main door.
If this rent arrangement does not suit, then either party can terminate the agreement with a month’s notice. Please show consideration to our hosts.
The rental money will be raised through our weekly Friday collections and the proposal is that any surplus collection over the £400 we need, will go into our Masjid Project.
Ideally we would love members from our community, who are able, to donate directly towards the rent. If interested, please see one of the trustees, email our chairman, Momade Faizal at chairman@runnymedemuslims.uk or use the contact us form on this website.
If using the car park, please park only within the designated parking bays, not on yellow lines, verges or on kerbs.