As Salaam Aleikum
Dear Brothers & Sisters
As you know, the blessed month of Ramadan will soon be upon us. May Allah grant us the ability to earn reward from it.
We at RMS have managed to allocate the following facilities for Taraweeh prayers:
2nd March & on Wednesdays only:
The Hythe Centre
Thorpe Road
Staines Upon Thames
Egham, TW18 3HD
(Please park at St Paul’s Road, bring your own prayer mats)
All other days:
The Jurgens Centre
91 Harvest Road
Egham, TW20 0QR
Note that we’ve had to make the Isha prayer late due to hall unavailability. Isha will be 8pm and Taraweeh straight after.
Please check our website www.runnymedemuslims.com for prayers times. Arrive early and leave quietly to avoid disrupting neighbours.
JazakAllah Khair
RMS Management