“And Allah Invites TO The Home OF PEACE”
Surah Yunus, Verse 25
The Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre prides itself in being actively involved in helping the local community, and offers the following services:
- Janaaza (Funeral Prayer).
- Nikkah (Islamic Marriage Ceremony).
- Advice session for health and well-being (every Friday after Jummah Prayer).
- Advice session for finance (every Friday after Jummah Prayer).
- Help and support on a wide variety of matters (provided they are relevant).
- Organised visits from schools in the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire counties.
- Multi/Inter-Faith visits and meetings.
- Visits by multiple agencies for educational purposes.
For the Nikkah Ceremony, advance booking is required with the Mosque Management – please get in touch if you have any questions, or for more details. You can download the booking form by clicking here – please email the completed form to us in order to progress with the process.
The Masjid is also registered with the Slough Register Office (Slough Borough Council).
To provide our 5 daily, Jummah (Friday) congregation and taraweeh prayers.
Help local families and students from Royal Holloway University of London, by providing them with warm meals during the month of Ramadan
Community Centre
To have our own building and establish the first Islamic Community Centre in the center of Egham.
Continue to develop respect and cohesion with the local community. By having open days / Exhibitions, provide an NHS Walk-In to tackle Mental Health, aid local charities and work with faith leaders to enable to betterment of the local community
Provide a platform where youth can learn from. Including general studies such as Maths, English, Computer Science, Finance, career advice, as well as Qur'An and Islamic studies